“献给我的母亲”和花圈上“女儿们敬挽”的白色对联一样跨越了很多年岁之后还是一样沉重所谓静水流深你是要把它夹断吗太子头条文章是在某个时刻突然给你重重一击这种时候是女儿们还睡着的夜晚妈妈安静离去你是要把它夹断吗太子头条文章是不直接展示死亡而插入办丧事要用的满地器具和食材你是要把它夹断吗太子头条文章是丈夫赶回来的时候丧礼已经结束还剩灶具没收起来放在地上我不知道是不是因为站在远处回望记忆就会是像克制的远景镜头始终看不清细节对话也逐渐飘散只剩重复无意义的日常寒暄最终有清晰画面的反而是一个个导演格外坚持的、美学风格显在的场景也许还没有很能接受这种稍显刻意和形式化的美学表达但最终还是看进去了并且完全不想对导演个人所坚持的表达方式做过多评价因为能感受到她的真诚并且这同时展示了一种用电影书写个人生命史的可能@Venezia a Napoli
1.This recording provoke me to consider , what is the important to human being ? maybe like many people' s comment , the brain is study itself and praise itself . 2.besides , we -- the human always like to explain the facial thing to be reasonable , once you learnded one thing , you will simplify and make it automaze .in some extent you don't have free willingness. 3. most time the image , in front of you , it just updates some detail based on the original structure .