看时一直在想这到底算不算电影就很奇怪的观看感觉但没办法赫尔佐格就是赫尔佐格他永远用排山倒海的疯逼精神让你俯首称臣想起free solo里Alex free solo El Cap《消失的她 电影》中斯泰纳跳台滑雪纵身跃下在荷索升格镜头中的呢种专注和沉迷我想上帝大概就居于这样的时刻里我只能说世界上的某些迷狂真的很难用语言说清楚nothing can stop them from doing it even though to some people what they are doing is pointless, but they just have to do it. 看短评里在说纹荷索纹身我真的为具体的图案怎么纹想了很久但我会纹的这会是我人生中的第一个纹身
Philadelphia is a 1993 American drama film and one of the first mainstream Hollywood films to acknowledge HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, and homophobia. from Wikipedia |丹佐.華盛頓為2011年賓州大學畢業生演講「就算跌倒也要 http://blogs.myoops.org/lucifer.php/2012/08/03/denzelwashin